Monday, February 28, 2011

Hair A.D.D.

This is how fall of 1999 at RMU began, long blonde hair.

how can I make my mom mad... let's see....
I can get a 2nd tattoo?
Nope, that just made grandma mad. She said if she can see it, she's not coming to my wedding. Cut off all my hair? Bleach it blonde and add some kool aid red streaks?
Nope, didnt make anyone mad. Maybe if we dye it red?
Nope, not that either. Well I enjoyed my year of hair experiences, too bad no one tells you about the awkward mullet stage that you have to experience in order to grow it out :( Lots of hats, bobby pins, and headbands!
eventually it did grow back and this was the result. not too shabby!

I have a confession. I have Hair A.D.D. my hair has never been the same color, cut or style for more than 6 months in the last 11 years. This week will be no different. it's taken me a long time to get this blonde... but now I'm ready to be a brunette again. Friday 5pm, I have a date with my hairdresser.
bye bye blondie!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I have my mojo back!

If there's anything I picked up on vacation out west this summer, it's the definition of Mojo. Cuban food was something I never had, we don't have any in Pittsburgh. Each ethnicity has its own version of Mojo, Cuban Mojo is made from garlic, olive oil, spices and citrus juices (usually sour orange). It is primarily used to marinate roasted pork or chicken, can also be used as a dipping sauce.

Versailles Cuban Restaurant in Los Angeles used to sell the sauce I use by mail order, sadly, no longer does so. After I run out, I have to try and find a replacement or make my own.

Tonight I made a pulled pork roast in a slow cooker in a mix of water, fresh lemon and oranges, and a splash of mojo. After I shredded it, I put it back in the slow cooker and finished it off with some fresh mojo sauce. Just before serving, I throw it in a searing hot skillet to get a little crust on some of the pieces to add texture. Serve with black beans & rice, as with all Cuban cuisine.

the "Elvis"

I'm not one generally influenced by the powers of television.

Until now. Enter sandwich show chronicling pastrami, primanti's, french dips, cheesesteaks, and the elvis. Yes, the elvis. A grilled peanut butter sandwich with bananas, bacon and honey

Well I didnt have any bananas and it's 2pm, I'm still in my pajamas and I'm not going to GET a banana. So I improvised. I substituted Nutella for the banana. :)

A grilled peanut butter, bacon, Nutella, honey sandwich at 2:30pm was the best snack idea ever.

I was so hungry it didn't occur to me to take a picture of it's drippy melty goodness, so I have enclosed a photo of last nights dinner. Hot dogs and stuffed pepper soup! lol

Monday, February 7, 2011

Superbowl Blues

I think Ernie had more fun than we did at the party.
He barks when we clap or yell at the tv.
He "nose" best!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

BBB Steelers tailgate party

Eat this Wisconsin Cheesehead BBB! Pgh rules!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Reconnecting through Facebook

As many cons as there are with Facebook, it does serve it's purpose... a social networking site. Reconnecting with friends of days past has happened a handful of times recently. I do cycle through friends I will admit, to no fault of anyone's, we grow apart, get jobs, find love, move away, etc. So I am always open for friends from past or new friends. I like to hear other people's stories on life and work.. I'm thankful for them opening themselves up to it as well. So thank you Shannon, Lindsey and Patti... good to see you again!!! Thanks for being friendly with someone who acts like this...