Saturday, March 12, 2011

Nashville Journals Day .5

It is .5 because technically this day I was only in Nashville for 45 minutes.

I ramped up to my 4 day vacation by accomplishing next to nothing at work. I went to check in online, as I did not have any checked baggage and did not intend on waiting in line at the counter. Well online wouldn't allow me to check in, it said see an agent at check in. Oh No! So I called United Customer Service not expecting to get anywhere, but some nice young gentleman waived that requirement for me and I printed my glorious boarding passes!

Worried about arriving and boarding my flight by 7:30, I left work at 4:30 and left for the airport around 5:20. I don't know how, but there was not an OUNCE of traffic on the outbound parkway at 5:30 on a Friday? Made it in plenty of time, am an expert at security, no shoes, jackets, or belts. The man in front of me had a difficult time thinking his giant swatch watch would set off the metal detector, so not only did that aggravate me, but the TSA agent as well. No one was getting put through the full body scanners.

A middle aged woman lost her son on the people mover somehow, she was hysterical. I told her to calm down, he will remember it, but he will laugh about it when he's older. Like the time I lost my mom at South Hills Village and thought the world had ended. I had a torepedo sub from Quiznos and chugged a water with an Airborne tablet and a Dramamine.

Enter airplane, it's cold, it's wet, we board, my seat mate is a lovely young lady names Jocelyn from West Virgina, she was with a group of 17 teaching students and faculty going to Italy to study elementary ed practices. We chatted the whole time through the turbulance and the de-icing on the runway, even read the SkyMall magazine together.

Arrived in Washington DC 40 minutes later, yes, I flew east to end up west. 90min layover, uneventful. Got on puddle jumper-esque plane. I kept turning around to try and see if the seat behind me was empty prior to departure, it was the emergency exit so it had tons of legroom. Well, everytime I turned around I inadvertantly caught the glance of the fine gentleman sitting in the opposing emergency exit. Finally he calls me out on it, he says, "yes that seat is open, unless you keep turning around to check me out." So I switched seats... and I checked him out again.

It was beautiful flying into Nashville at night. Arrival 11:15 Tennessee time, 12:15 Pittsburgh time. My private chauffer Amanda picked me up, drove home and ZZZZZzzzz.

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