Wednesday, September 15, 2010

sliding into home

someone likes their doggie scratching sessions.

Ernie sits in the front window while I get ready for work, once I put the shoes on his ears go down cause he knows what that means. I go in the back room and set up his cushion in front of my feet and yell,

"Who wants scratchies??!?!?!?!"

I can hear Ernie leap off the couch, dart through the kitchen and dining room and take a flying swan dive super sliding daredevil leap onto the cushion and sprawl himself out to claim his scratchies. He emits these growling noises of pleasure I cannot describe, its the darndest thing!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Welcome Back!

I seem to have forgotten about the blog I started over a year ago. Wow time flies. Inspired by my double Kate/Katie team I think I shall pick it up again. Kate Wilson for sharing her family stories in a way that intrigues me every single entry with her beautiful photographs, and Katie Jones for her kitchen, cooking and eating blog which is right up my alley! So I want to redefine this as a multiple personality blog, one being the original purpose, Dachshund Chronicles - stories about Ernie, two being food and recipes, and three being restaurant reviews (maybe) or maybe ill post those on urbanspoon instead? TBD.